NEWS | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
LSUHS School of Graduate Studies announces their Fall Graduates
The LSUHS School of Graduate Studies is pleased to announce that two of their students will be receiving their Doctor of Philosophy degree: Nirjhar Aloy and Lin Li this month.
Dr. Mohammad Alfrad Nobel Bhuiyan awarded NIGMS Grant
Mohammad Alfrad Nobel Bhuiyan, PhD, Assistant Professor and Director of Biostatistics and Computational Biology awarded $219,000 (per year) from NIGMS "Redox, Environmental, and Metabolomics: investigating Disease Yield (REMEDY)."
Graduate Student of the Month for August, 2024
The August 2024 School of Graduate Studies Student of the Month is Md Abir Hosain in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
New research for prostate cancer from LSUHS
KTBS3 - Dr. Arrigo De Benedetti, LSUHS Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, talks about flaws in current metastatic prostate cancer drugs and promising new research for the disease being done at LSU Health Shreveport.
Graduate Student of the Month for February, 2024
The February 2024 School of Graduate Studies Student of the Month is Luke Cui in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Congratulations to our Fall 2023 Graduates from School of Graduate Studies
We are excited to announce that we have four new graduates from the School of Graduate Studies: Fawaz Alotaibi, Shripa Amatya, Vickky Pandit, and Utsab Subedi.
LSUHS Pioneers Prostate Cancer Treatment, Infectious Disease Tracking
Louisiana Economic Development - LSU Health Shreveport scientists have discovered a promising new treatment for prostate cancer and developed a playbook detailing how to track viral variants in underserved areas.
Graduate Student of the Month for April, 2023
The April 2023 School of Graduate Studies Student of the Month is Lin Li in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Solving Cancer, Together
LSU - LSU adds key expertise across the state to improve cancer outcomes in Louisiana by supporting top research talent to solve some of the biggest challenges in cancer care for patients and families.
Graduate Student of the Month for November
The November 2022 School of Graduate Studies Student of the Month is Suman Mohajan in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Graduate Student of the Month for June
The June Graduate Student of the Month is Md Imtiaz Khalil and he is a student in the lab of Dr. Arrigo De Benedetti.
Remembering the lives of Dr. Adrian Dunn and Dr. Brent Reed
We are saddened to share the news of the recent passing of two former School of Graduate Studies faculty members. The work of Dr. Dunn and Dr. Reed will live on through the countless students and post-docs that they taught throughout their careers. We extend our deepest sympathy to their families during this difficult time.
Two Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Faculty Members Promoted to Full Professor
The scientific accomplishments of Dr. Eric First and Dr. Shile Huang have been recognized by our institution. Each has been promoted to full Professor, effective July 1, 2022.
Graduate Student of the Month for January
The January Graduate Student of the Month is Linda Rubio and she is a student in the lab of Dr. David Gross.
Graduate Student of the Month for August
The August Graduate Student of the Month is Siyuan “Simon” Cheng. Simon works in the lab of Dr. Xiuping Yu in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. His dissertation project is titled, “The epigenetic changes involved in neuroendocrine prostate cancer development”.
Dr. Stephan Witt awarded grant to study dementia and Parkinson's Disease
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke has awarded a one-year R56 grant to Dr. Stephan Witt, Professor and Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at LSUHS, and Dr. Joseph Mazzulli, Assistant Professor of Neurology at Northwestern University.
Dr. Arrigo DeBenedetti receives FWCC Bridging Award
Dr. Arrigo DeBenedetti receives Spring 2021 Feist Weiller Cancer Center (FWCC) Bridging Award grant in the amount of $100,000.
Ishita Ghosh receives Research Distinction Award
Ishita Ghosh receives Spring Intra-mural Ike-Muslow Fellowship (Research Distinction Award) on her PhD dissertation titled: TLK1 phosphorylates RAD54 to promote homology-driven double strand break repair. The tenure of the fellowship commences July, 2021.
Gross Lab Publishes a Perspective of Its Recent Work in Trends in Cell Biology
Trends in Cell Biology - Primordial super-enhancers: heat shock-induced chromatin organization in yeast. This article highlights the rapid dynamics, robust induction, and conserved components of the HSF1-driven heat shock response make it an ideal system to study eukaryotic gene regulation.
Imtiaz Khalil wins 1st Place Poster Presentation at LSUHS
Congratulations to Imtiaz Khalil, 4th year graduate student in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, for winning 1st place in the LSUHS Graduate Research Day!