The Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy administers the Willed Body Program for LSU Health Shreveport. This program allows individuals from the North Louisiana, South Arkansas and East Texas communities to donate their remains to our health sciences center for teaching and biomedical research purposes.

Our faculty, staff and students are thankful for the many Donors to our Willed Body Program over the past 45 years. Without their generosity we could not have become the leading Center for Biomedical Education and Research in the ArkLaTex.

Thank you for making the Ultimate Gift.


Our donors become the "first patients" of Medical and Allied Health students, serving to instruct them on the basic organization of the human body. Our Donors also become the first "Professors" of our Graduate Students in the Anatomical Sciences, working with our current faculty developing the next generation of Anatomical Educators / Researchers. Lastly, our Donors assist our Medical Residents and Surgeons to develop and conduct procedural studies to perfect their clinical skills that will be used to care for their future patients. 


Body Donor Form

To donate your remains, you have several options with regard to obtaining the paperwork necessary to make a donation to our program. Choose from the following:

  1.  DOWNLOAD - You may either download these two documents:
    1.  CLICK ON THIS LINK for the Donation Form - This downloadable form is a fillable PDF that can be filled out and printed.  Please print out TWO COPIES and complete the signature section for yourself and your witnesses on the form. 
    2. CLICK ON THIS LINK for the Donor Consent Form - Please print two copies of this document, check the necessary areas, sign and date it.
    3. Please send one set of the signed forms back to the address below and retain the other set for your records. 
  2.  WRITE - You may write to the address listed below to have a hard copy of the forms and information packet mailed to your home.
    Allean McGowan Pratt, Director of Anatomical Services 
    Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy 
    LSU Health Shreveport 
    PO Box 33932
    Shreveport, LA 71130
  3.  EMAIL - You may send an email requesting a form and information packet VIA THIS EMAIL LINK
  4.  CALL - You may call the telephone number (318-675-5320to speak with our Director of LSU Health Shreveport Willed Body Program.


How to Will Your Body to Science

Body Donor Program

"We treat every donor with respect and care."


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Contact the Department

Department of Cellular Biology & Anatomy
LSU Health Shreveport
1501 Kings Hwy
Shreveport, LA 71103

Phone: (318) 675-5312

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Contact the PhD Program

Dr. Hong Sun
Graduate Program Recruiter