Clinical and Translational Distinction Track (CTDT) Program

(A PhD graduate student parallel program to the Research Distinction Track Program)



Graduate students participating in the CTDT Program will:

  1. Gain exposure to, and experience in, clinical research environments that will enhance their awareness of
    a. Unique challenges faced by clinical research physicians
    b. The need for clinical and basic science collaboration in successful clinical and translational research

  2. Gain an appreciation for how recent/relevant basic research findings are disseminated and implemented within the clinical environment

  3. Improve communication skills through designing and implementing informational presentations to professional colleagues or the general public


Clinical Research Mentor

  • The student will be responsible for identifying a clinical faculty member actively engaged in clinical research who will agree to act as the student's clinical research mentor. The Quality Enhancement Program staff will provide assistance in identifying the clinical mentor.
  • This mentor will be responsible for providing the student with opportunities for participation in the clinical research environment.
  • A letter of agreement between the student and the clinical research mentor that includes a defined plan and timeline will be submitted to the Quality Enhancement Program, the Graduate School, the student's dissertation mentor and the student's Department Head.

Declaration of Participation

  • A letter of nomination must be submitted to the Quality Enhancement Program and the School of Graduate Studies at any time after the graduate student has been approved as a PhD candidate.
  • The student must obtain this letter of nomination from his/her Dissertation Research mentor and Department Head.
  • The student will be notified of acceptance into the program in writing from the Quality Enhancement Program.

Student Commitments and Responsibilities

Completion of Program

  • The clinical research mentor must write a letter certifying the student’s completion of CTDT program requirements.
  • Copies of this letter must be submitted to the student's department head, the student's dissertation mentor, the Graduate School and to the Quality Enhancement Program.

Clinical and Translational Distinction Award
Following verification of program requirement fulfillments, recognition of completion will be noted on the student's transcript.

Special Cases

Withdrawal of Participation: Students who wish to withdraw from the CTDT Program may do so at any time without penalty by notifying their clinical research mentor, their Department Head, their dissertation mentor, the Graduate School and the Quality Enhancement Program in writing.

Incomplete Participation: Students who do not complete all program requirements will not be awarded the CTDT. No penalty will be administered.


Contact us with any questions.

Lucy Robinson, PhD
Program Director

Damian Jefferson
Interim Project Coordinator