PhD in Microbiology & Immunology
Ashley Wilkins received the Best Oral Presentation at Graduate Research Day in May 2024.
Ashley Wilkins received the Chancellor's Award at Commencement in May 2024.
Ashley Wilkins received the Best Poster Award at the Gordon Research Conference Biology of Acute Respiratory Infection in February 2024.
Ashley Wilkins received the Best Poster Award at the Gordon Research Conference Microbial Adhesion and Signal Transduction in July 2023.
Lohit Khera received the Best Poster award by a postdoctoral fellow at the ASM-SCB Annual Meeting 2022.
Bailey Mosher received the Richard and Dennis O'Callaghan Award for Best Postdoctoral Oral Presentation at the ASM-SCB Annual Meeting 2022.
Nahomi Guerra received the Best poster award for a PhD student at the ASM-SCB Annual Meeting 2022.
Danielle Schaal received the ASM-SCB McClesky award at the ASM-SCB Annual Meeting 2022.
Ashley Wilkins received the First Place Poster Presentation (Junior Category) at Graduate Student Research Day in May 2021.
Presentations, Conferences & Meetings
The intracellular growth of the vacuolar pathogen Legionella pneumophila is dependent on the acyl chain composition of the host membranes. Ashley Wilkins. Gordon Research Conference Biology of Acute Respiratory Infection 2024 meeting. Galveston, TX.
Classical Bordetella employ the T3SS to promote infection persistence via host IL-1Ra expression. Katelyn Parrish. Gordon Research Conference Biology of Acute Respiratory Infection 2024 meeting, Galveston, TX.
Deciphering the role of host lipids in Legionella pneumophila intracellular replication. Ashley Wilkins. Gordon Research Conference Biology of Acute Respiratory Infection 2024 meeting, Galveston, TX.
Host lipids are important regulators of Legionella pneumophila intracellular replication in macrophages. Ashley Wilkins. ASM Microbe 2023, Houston, TX.
Host lipids license Legionella pneumophila intracellular replication in macrophages. Ashley Wilkins. Gordon Research Seminar Microbial Adhesion and Signal Transduction, Newport, RI.
Host lipids license Legionella pneumophila intracellular replication in macrophages. Ashley Wilkins. Gordon Research Conference Microbial Adhesion and Signal Transduction, Newport, RI.
Cellular cholesterol licenses Legionella pneumophila intracellular replication in macrophages. Ashley Wilkins. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Bordetella bronchiseptica Blocks Eosinophil Trap Formation via a btrS-associated Mechanism, to Prevent Clearance of Infection. Gabrielle Miller. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
UL38-mediated activation of mTORC1 causes IRS1 degradation and subsequent AKT inactivation during HCMV lytic infection. Anthony Domma. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Antiviral Immunity Coordinates an Alternative Mechanism of Entry During Cytomegalovirus Infection. Lauren Henderson. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Human Cytomegalovirus Manipulates Syntaxin 6 for Successful Trafficking and Nuclear Translocation in Monocytes. Bailey Mosher. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
HCMV Mediates Unique Monocyte-to-Macrophage Polarization, Differentiation Through The COX-2 Mediated Arachidonic Acid Metabolism In Infected Human Monocytes. Byeong-Jae Lee. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Lipin-1 restrains ceramide synthesis, improves b-oxidation and efferocytosis for disease resolution. Oluwakemi O. Igiehon. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Lipin 1 restrains lipid synthesis to promote pro-resolving macrophage function. Temitayo Bamgbose. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Bordetella spp. utilize T3SS to promote secretion of IL1RA leading to long-term persistent infections. Katelyn Parrish. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Identifying distinct roles for host transcription factor lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 (LEF1) isoforms in EBV replication and latency. Billy Ward. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Epstein-Barr Virus Replication in Differentiated Epithelium Requires the Retinoblastoma Family of Pocket Proteins. Danielle Schaal. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
Human Papillomavirus Genome Copy Number Is Maintained by S Phase Amplification, Leakage to the Cytosol during Mitosis and Lysosomal Degradation in G1 Phase. Katarzyna Zwolinska. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.
HPV16 increases total and surface levels of the epidermal growth factor receptor in human keratinocytes. Jessica Trammel. ASM-SCB meeting 2022, Shreveport.