The ability for students to replicate the actual graduate school experience (lab work, lab meetings, journal clubs, etc.) reveals how graduate school is.
- Rohinton Dossabhoy
Pathogen-Host Interactions and
Immunology Research and Education
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology and the Center for Applied Immunology and Pathological Processes run the PHIIRE program. The PHIIRE program is an 8-week summer research program in infectious disease and immunology for undergraduate students who are interested in perusing research as part of their scientific or clinical career goals. Our principal investigator, who serve as mentors, lead research programs in several areas including: Viral mediated immune evasion, oncogenesis, entry and bacterial-mediated immune evasion, immune cell function, macrophage immunological responses, and T cell biology.
What can students expect?
- Perform in scientific research mentored by nationally recognized investigators in infectious disease and immunology.
- Learn about graduate life from students, faculty advisors, and administrators including
o What is graduate school
o How to apply to graduate school
o How to pay for graduate school - Take part in responsible conduct of research classes
- Take classes that cover scientific research at LSUHS, How to read manuscripts and how to present scientific research.
- Be invited to present a poster at the end of the program.
- Receive a stipend of $12/hr.
Previous Students share the benefits of the program...
It made me realize how difficult it is and how resilient scientists have to be. Your experiments will fail more than succeed, but you have to keep persevering and learning from your mistakes.
- Annushka Noor
It provided a positive reinforcement for research and was fun.
- Caleb Helms
It gave me a more realistic picture of what the academia field could look like. I felt supported and encouraged to problem-solve and think critically. I'm currently working as a researcher at St. Jude’s in Memphis. I do not think I would have had all the job opportunities I did without this experience, being immersed in the lab and gaining skills / knowledge relevant to lab. - Dreylan Hines
Pairing undergrads with grad students who were willing to allow for a lot of hands-on experience for the undergrad.
- Akajiugo Amucheazi
The ability to freely engage in the building of new skills. I enjoyed the balance between structured learning and individual investigation.
- Eleanor Smith
The application deadline is February 28, 2025.
Program runs from June 9 to August 1, 2025.
To apply, applicants should complete the APPLICATION FORM . Attachments required are:
- Resumé
- Unofficial Transcript
- 3-5 sentences describing prior research experience, if any (previous research experience is NOT required in order to apply).
- Personnel statement (no more than 500 words) should include: - why you want to participate in the PHIIRE program - what experiments/techniques in your college courses/labs have stimulated your interest in research - career goals
- Recommendation letters: In the application form, applicants will be asked to name 2-4 referees; however references will only be requested for top selected candidates.
Program Director
- How did your mentor help you?
- How did this program benefit you?
- How did the program affect your outlook on scientific research?
- What was the most beneficial aspect of our program?
- Did the program help prepare you for graduate school?
- How did the program help to prepare you in furthering your education?