The goal of our graduate training program in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Neuroscience is to provide the skills necessary for our graduates to pursue an independent career in biomedical research at a university, research institute, hospital, government agency, or in industry.  The program provides graduate training through advanced courses, participation in seminars and national meetings, and the preparation of grant proposals.  Hands-on laboratory research is emphasized at all stages of the program.

Graduate study in pharmacology emphasizes training in research design and implementation to prepare students for challenging careers in industry, government, and academia.



The graduate program in Pharmacology emphasizes training in research design and implementation to prepare students for challenging careers in academia, industry or government. The graduate program consists of classroom coursework, seminar presentations and independent research.

During the first year of graduate study, each student rotates through three laboratories to gain research experience and to become acquainted with faculty research interests. Students complete core courses in biochemistry, cell biology, physiology and pharmacology. Students gain oral communication and data evaluation experience through active participation in seminars and journal club. After completing the first year of study, students choose between a toxicology or neuroscience program of study and take advanced courses in these areas.

Following completion of the core curriculum and the Qualifying Examinations, students submit a dissertation research proposal that they defend before their advisory committees. Conducting the dissertation research project and preparing the PhD dissertation are the most important aspects of our training program.

Hear from our students ...

Titilade Ajayi Testimonial
female student

I am a third-year graduate student in the lab of Dr. Schmoutz currently studying learning and memory in zebrafish. I chose to attend LSUHS because of the welcoming and family-type atmosphere. Since joining the department, the faculty have been immensely helpful and the LSUHS campus has presented me with various research opportunities and collaborations
- Titilade Ajayi, Graduate Student in Pharmacology, Toxicology & Neuroscience

Bo Wood Testimonial
male student

I am third-year graduate student in Dr. Murnane’s Lab. I chose to come to LSUHS because of the faculty and the research I had seen coming from this institution. I was really drawn in by the communal feel that the department gave off. I was given the impression that research and collaboration was a top priority. Research being so diverse now, the collaborative environment will allow me to  hopefully find really influential projects to work on that will help people down the line. 
- Bo Wood, Graduate Student in Pharmacology, Toxicology & Neuroscience

Victoria Bradford Testimonial
female medical student

I chose LSUHS because of the ample opportunities to conduct research in the field of neuroscience/addiction and to have faculty that have dedicated their careers to this area. It’s more than just coursework or research, the faculty truly have a passion for helping people and want to make a difference and being able to see that full circle is truly a rare thing.  It makes me excited to go work everyday & also makes all the hard work and studying worth while.
- Victoria Bradford, Graduate Student in Pharmacology, Toxicology & Neuroscience



Why Train in Shreveport, Louisiana?

map of louisiana graphic with text: Shreveport, LA Third Largest City
house graphic with text: $185K Median Housing, Cost of Living 91.9% of the national average
Text: 184,021 Population
car graphic with text: 5 hours to New Orleans, 3 hours to Dallas, Texas
airplane graphic with text: 2 Local Airports
paint palette graphic with text: 32 museums and art galleries
tent graphic with text: Year Round Festivals

Join us as we


Graduate Program

Pharmacology, Toxicology & Neuroscience

Purple lines


Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Neuroscience
LSU Health Shreveport
1501 Kings Highway
P.O. Box 33932
Shreveport, LA 71130-3932
Phone: (318) 675-7850
Fax: (318) 675-7857



For information about our graduate program or summer internship programs, please contact:

Xiaohong Lu, PhD
Graduate Student Recruiter
Phone: (318) 675-4276

Ty Martinez, MBA
Academic Coordinator
Phone: (318) 675-7851