Pharmacology, Toxicology & Neuroscience
A major emphasis of the Department is research in the areas of neuropharmacology, neuroscience, and toxicology. Visit the labs below to learn more about their research.
Goeders Lab - Neuropsychopharmacology of addictive disorders
Lu Lab - Molecular Genetics, Neuropsychopharmacology, and Therapeutic Genome Editing for Neurodegenerative and Psychiatric Disorders
McMartin Lab - Toxicology, kidney function, and therapeutic interventions
Murnane Lab- The etiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, neurobiology, and treatment of disorders of the central nervous system (CNS)
Nam Lab - Neuropharmacology of alcoholism and psychiatric disorders, Neuroproteomics
Salinas Lab - Neurobiology of alcohol & substance use disorders, neuromodulators, neurodegenerative disorders, synaptic plasticity
Zhao Lab - Molecular mechanisms in cancer
Schmoutz Lab - Behavioral neuropharmacology of zebrafish models of neuropsychi
atric disorders
Faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students meet regularly to discuss research findings and new developments in pharmacology, toxicology and neuroscience. Seminar speakers include students and faculty from the department, invited faculty from LSU Health Shreveport departments and scientific experts from outside the institution.
For a copy of the current schedule, please contact
Summer Undergraduate Pharmacology Experience in Research (SUPER)
The SUPER program offers students an 8 week internship in a research laboratory to provide career opportunities in graduate research in pharmacology, toxicology, carcinogenesis, chemoprevention, neuropharmacology, and neuroscience. Each student has their own project and is mentored by participating faculty members. At the end of the summer internship, students present their research findings in a departmental poster session. For more information, visit SUPER.
Biostart Program for High School Seniors
The primary purpose of the BioStart program is to increase the quality and quantity of area graduates in the medical, biotechnology and life sciences fields with the expectation that many of these students will continue on to earn advanced degrees and participate in the regional workforce as medical professionals, research scientists, teachers and technicians. For more information, visit our BioStart page.
LSUHS Medical Student Research - For more information, please visit the Medical Student Research section.
Faculty Sponsored Summer Research - Contact individual faculty members to determine availability.
Louisiana Biomedical Research Foundation (LBRN) - For more information, please visit the LBRN website.
High School and Undergrad Research Opportunities
In addition to our departmental undergraduate program, high school and undergraduate students also have the opportunity to explore research through various programs offered at LSU Health Shreveport. Learn more.
Student worker positions - To apply for a position, please visit the application page.