What is a Postdoctoral Fellow?
At LSU Health Shreveport, we are working to enhance the career development and overall training experience of postdoctoral fellows. Postdoctoral fellows are defined as individuals who are receiving additional training after earning a doctoral level degree. The goal of this training is to develop additional professional skills necessary for successful transition into an independent research scientist position for either industry or academia.
We may be a small university, but we have the research resources of a large campus.
Why train at LSU Health Shreveport?
At LSUHS, you can be part of a community of scientists working together to improve the world through scientific innovation. Our Postdocs participate in research focus groups, career development workshops, and collaborate on projects that enhance their career opportunities. Our research labs have flexible scheduling and allow for generous working space. Postdocs have access to work directly with PIs regularly to examine research projects and execute scientific processes in state-of-the-art CORE facilities. Check our current list of Postdoc opportunities on our campus.
Dr. Xiao-Hong Lu, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Neuroscience at LSUHS, received a $750,000 grant from The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Biological and Physical Sciences Division’s Space Biology Program to develop a novel genetic engineering technology to evaluate the impact of space radiation on the human brain. LEARN MORE about the research.
Dr. Lu’s research team, including Dr. Erika Reece, is using the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) at Brookhaven National Laboratory to simulate cosmic radiation in space vehicles and on the Martian surface to determine if long-term exposure to radiation causes adverse consequences to the brain. Major concerns have been raised that deep space flight may also lead to long-lasting brain injury or late-onset neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia or Parkinson’s disease.
Postdoctoral Scholar Erika Reece was also accepted into NASA’s STAR program. Spaceflight Technology, Applications and Research (STAR) is a NASA program for space biosciences training.

Xiaohong Lu, PhD
Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Neuroscience, Pharmacology Graduate Program Recruiter
LSUHS Postdoctoral Association
The mission of the LSUHS PDA is to facilitate the long-term success of its members by improving, supporting, and enriching the postdoctoral fellows' experience and environment here at LSUHS.
Postdoc News
LSUHS is excited to join universities across the United States taking part in the National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW) during September. We celebrated our postdoctoral fellows with daily appreciation events across campus.